Pentre Awel is the first development of its scope and size in Wales providing world-class medical research and health care delivery and supporting and encouraging people to lead active and healthy lives.
Satellite Radiotherapy Unit (SRU), Nevill Hall
A new satellite radiotherapy unit, housing state-of-the-art Linear Accelerator’s (LinAc’s) in Nevill Hall, Wales.
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- Satellite Radiotherapy Unit (SRU), Nevill Hall
Project Overview
The scheme involved the demolition of the existing antenatal clinic and the construction of a new satellite radiotherapy unit, housing state-of-the-art Linear Accelerator’s (LinAc’s).
To respond to the site's natural surroundings, sustainable design was at the heart of the client’s requirements, with a focus on patient wellbeing through low carbon design (operational and embodied carbon), and enhancing the biodiversity and amenity value of the site.
Images copyright IBI Group
The Challenge
The client wanted us the consultant to provide sustainable and low carbon design solutions to reduce the embodied carbon on this project.
Our Solution
We implemented a decarbonisation strategy, with adherence to Passivhaus principles and a focus on embodied carbon reduction.
Using our embodied carbon tool, we undertook an embodied carbon sensitivity study, which influenced the resulting structural design and considered lean solutions, as well as material choices. In doing so, we provided a tangible carbon reduction output, helping the client achieve their aims.
Project Highlights
Decarbonisation strategy implemented, incorporating Passivhaus principles
The structural design focuses on good design choices, lean solutions and material choices, to provide tangible carbon reduction output
A full glulam and steel-glulam hybrid structure were considered for the building
A fully modular solution for the LinAc bunker and radiation shielding was provided
Winner of Integration & Collaborative Working at the Constructing Excellence in Wales Awards 2024