Curtins' Photography Exhibition Becomes an Interactive 360 Tour

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Curtins on 8th Nov 2023


After opening the doors to our unique photography exhibition in October, we are pleased to announce that Our Place is now available as 360° interactive tour, enabling a greater number of people to engage freely with art and engineering.

 Our Place:

Through the portraiture lens, their eyes and their stories, Our Place explores the symbiotic relationship between Leeds and those who have lived, worked or studied here. 

The exhibition was curated by Curtins in celebration of the arts, engineering, Leeds 2023 Year of Culture, and STEM careers. It was open to school students and invited guests from 3rd to 5th October 2023 and – as an exciting next step – is now available to everyone via a 360° interactive walk-through, hosted on Matterport.

Explore the Our Place 360 Interactive
Our Place 360 interactive

We invite you to explore Our Place and discover who are the people behind the buildings and structures we see in our cities.

Further Reading

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